Shamania - Journey to Satori and Beyond!

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Journey to Satori and Beyond
Lugnasadh Celebration   Friday 24th - Sunday 26th August 2012

Shamania Festival: Stalls


Recycled  rubbish,  fluoro-trash trinkets and glowing  junk UV novelties.  Large selection of gew-gaws and shiny baubles to suit all tastes.

Rare Visionary and Psychotropic plants and herbs from around the globe.

Shamans Apothecary

Since the beginning of time, people all over the globe have worked with sacred herbs and plants of power, whether it be for healing, empowerment, to gain knowledge, or to break through the barriers of ordinary reality and to free the soul to travel within the boundless realms of the otherworld.

Shamans Apothecary
At the Shamans Apothecary we aim to help people become aquanted with the majik and wonder that Spirit Plants can offer, and to bring them into a relationship with some of the most powerful Allies to be found upon this planet today. At the Shamans Apothecary we have a
stock that covers all the major  and many of the minor power plants used by tribal and indigenous healers and shaman from around the globe. We hope that your visit to The Shamans Apothecary will become a gateway for a deeper understanding  and relationship with the wonderful plants of power that we hold as sacred.

Shamans Apothecary

HOBGOBLIN  - Col & Sarah
We're a friendly, ethical, family-run business. We specialize in ethnic clothing, juggling equipment, legal highs/smoking accessories, handmade UV jewelery, party goodies, handmade crafts, smiles and good vibes!

Hobgoblin Clothing,
The Basement,
14 Cheltenham Mount,
Tel: 01423 525115

HIGHER SPACE – Helen Lardner
Smoking parapernalia,  herbal highs,  poi,  glowsticks,  jewellery.

INDALO – Mick & Miranda
Hand-made funky Fleeces, Fur Hats and Clothing.

TEWARI – Diego Perez
Tewari is the name the native, indigenous  "HUICHOLES" from Mexico give to all the rest of  the people from the world, it means someone that is of mixed race. We like the name  of TEWARI because our hand-made, fair-trade leather goods are a mix of products from all over the world.

BEE-WITCHED – Steph Bee 
I sell fair trade arts and crafts and also a selection of new age stuff; such as, cards, incense, pendants etc.  I am also available to do Tarot card readings at certain times through out the festival, I will put a sign on stall to advise of these times.